Banana is a heavy feeder and responds well to organic manuring.
Banana trees will thrive throughout the growing season if it is fertilized regularly with nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).
Incorporate lots and lots of cow dung manure and plenty of chicken manure every 6 months after planting your bananas.
Loosely dig the topsoil the soil around the banana tree and apply 5 kgs of cattle compost in an even circle around the base of the stem around the tree and cover them with soil.
Wood ash can also be applied along with the compost to provide potassium for the bananas
Then mulch them very thickly. And keep mulching and feeding them
Liquid Fertilizer like Fish Amino or Panchakavya can also be use as a balanced fertilizer on a regular basis as it contains all of the micro and secondary nutrients the plant needs.
These fertilizers play the role of promoting growth and providing immunity in plants
Mix the fertilizer with the water and apply as you irrigate each time
How to Fertilize Banana in the farms
Updated: Apr 11, 2021