Lets see how to prepare Fermented Coconut Milk & Buttermilk Mixture for fruiting trees.
This fermented mixture will promote the flowering of all fruiting trees to a greater extent.
Take 10 liters of Fermented Buttermilk in to the container and add 10 liters of Coconut milk to the container. After adding the mixture, close the lid air tight and allow to ferment for 10 days.
After 10 days, the mixture would have fermented and would be ready for usage
Mix the fermented mixture very well and filter the mixture thoroughly before using them
Now the Concentric liquid fertilizer mixture is ready for usage
Dilute the concentric mixture in 1:10 ratio before applying as foliar spray
Move the diluted mixture in to the battery sprayer
Spray the mix in evening in such a way that the mix drips of the leaves
This is to give the spray some time to immerse in leaves
Prepare the mix just before the flowering season and spray it in the right time
This solution helps enhance plant growth, repels insects and increases resistance to fungal diseases
This also enhances flowering of the fruiting trees
It acts as a nutritious feed and helps produce profound blooms, bigger-sized fruits
Continue this application twice an year for better yield